Monday, April 2, 2012

Relief Society BD Dinner/Party - March 22, 2012

'Hands of Unity & Love' was our theme for our Relief Society Birthday Dinner/Party.  Our priesthood brethren were kind enough to supply our 'mexican buffet' dinner for us and Rosario & George Medina made enchiladas, rice & beans to contribute to the dinner.  The decorations were provided by: Barb Lyman, Glenda Winn, Barbara Jones, Rosario Medina and Donna Culbertson.  We had a cupcake contest and the winners were:  1st place: Christine Beaulieu; 2nd place: Glenda Winn and 3rd place: Saunna Quist.  Our program consisted of Saunna Quist singing the song 'His Hands' to a video presentation of Christ and some of the things His mighty hands did in service during His mortal life.  Barb Lyman gave a reading entitled 'Our Hands are Christ's Hands' and then comments were made by Donna Culbertson and Bishop Lingenfelter.  Handmade soap dispenser gifts (with a 'RS' charm attached) were passed out to all those in attendance, which we hope will be a reminder to the sisters as they use them, of all the things our 'Relief Society' hands can do to show unity & love to others and emulate our Savior's hands of service.  Following are some of the pictures of our evening.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Night in Bethlehem

For our ward's Christmas party this year (Dec. 2011) the Relief Society put together A Night in Bethlehem. They beautifully decorated the gym to look like a Bethlehem marketplace where each family was to bring a canned good in exchange for coins to get their family's meal. Every member of each family was dressed in biblical attire to make the night more authentic. Many shops were set up, each with a different type of food. There were activities for the children that were set up to keep them entertained, including a photo booth.
When the meal was finishing up, we were entertained by many members of our ward in a special program.
A special thanks to the Relief Society for planning and preparing this night and to all those who so graciously participated to make this night so successful!!! We have an amazing ward!